Multi Channel Notification Platform
Push Notifications, Email, SMS, In-App Messaging, WhatsApp & Telegram to notify and engage your customers
How Works

Application Triggers An Event
Mok Receives And Processes The Event
Mok Creates A Template And Routes To The Correct Channel And Provider
Mok Creates A Template And Routes To The Correct Channel And Provider
The Provider Delivers The Template From Mok To The End-user
Notification Delivery

Single API for All Channels
and 50+ Providers
1// A simple api payload data234{5"mobile": "91XXXXXXXX",6"fcmKey": "jhu34y3XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX-XXXXXXXXX",7"userId": "234234XXXXX",8"message": "Hello World!",9"templateId": "23432XXXXXXXXXX",10"email": "Hello from world!"11}1213
Mok’s API integrates with all communication channels and supports over 50 providers in a single API. is built for developers who want to deliver an exceptional notification experience. There are SDKs for every major language and additional API’s for handling your user data, preference, templates, orchestration, and more.
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Fully Featured Notifications in Minutes not Days
Notification Use Cases
All Transactional notifications (SMS, Push, In-App Slack) using a Single API.
Edit Content and Add channels or providers in workflow while sending notifications with no Code changes.
Notify users when action is required and design workflow based on Response by the user.
User Preferences
Use Mok API to handle user preferences across channels. UI components included.
A digest engine that aggregates multiple events in to a single precise notification.
We have started using Mok and its saved a lot of time to develop the complete notifications stack ourselves, and ofcourse the pain associated with building and scaling it.

We are big fans of Mok, We use it to send all out Push notifications, In App Messages, SMS, Email, WhatsApp and even Slack. I recommend it.

Customer support is amazing, Go Live is like within hours, Overall team is building an amazing product and we would want Mobile apps to use this compared to others

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